This past weekend I hosted a small Arc of Fire WW2 game at my house. The intent was to introduce some fairly new gamers (My brother in-law Reuben and my cousin Clay "Claybird") to the rule-set and to further acclimate myself to the rules as well. I'll be running a similar scenario at an upcoming Thursday night
G.A.G. Game. It was a pretty simple scenario, with elements of a larger German force advancing towards a town, and a small group of Soviets attempting to slow/stop them. The German objectives were to capture the stone house, the small hill to the south and to exit at least one vehicle off the eastern table edge. The Russian objectives were to simply hold either the stone house, or the Hill. The Game was to end at turn 12. Both sides had the opportunity to roll for additional elements at the start of the game, while the Reds rolled an extra squad the Germans rolled a 3, being one of only two results on a D10 that would result in no additional forces.
The Game started pretty well with the Germans playing it cautious and advancing slowly down the paved road towards the stone bridge. The bridge was the only place they could cross the freezing river. While the Russian platoon HQ took up position in the house, one of the russian infantry squad to up a position behind the house. The Russian assault squad was hidden in tall grass to the east of the bridge. The Political section and second infantry squad held the hill.

Suppressing fire from the Russians on the hill slowed the advance of the German infantry up the road, however the halftrack pushed relentlessly forward to the din of small arms fire. The Red infantry squad positioned to the east of the house attempted to sneak around the north side of the house for where they stayed for the rest of the game thanks to effectively suppressing German MG fire.

Turn three started with the Russian still holding both the Hill and stone house and the entirety of the German forces still to the west of the bridge. On the first German Card the Halftrack roared of the Bridge and poured Machine Gun Fire into the house. The Second card for the halftrack followed immediately afterwards and the Halftrack moved down the dirt road towards the table edge were it stopped to unload into the nearby russian infantry. The third turn ended with the halftrack stopped only inches from the table edge. The Political sections Commissar was dead ,the infantry squads on the hill and advancing around the side of the house were both broken, and the assualt squad was charging towards the halftrack.

This was as far as the halftrack was to make it, the Russain assault squad was the first card up on the 4th turn and some well placed Grenades from the Ruskies put it and most of the infantry still within out of commission. We had to call the game early at the end of turn four, I called it a tie, but it would have been interesting to see how things turned out. There were still 2 relatively fresh Gerry squads coming over the bridge, the Ruskies were mostly broken and pretty shot up.