Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pseudo Speed Painting part One

O.K., so here's a quick sort of pseudo speed painting walk through. I this case I'll be painting Chinese Boxers, but I've use the same technique for man other periods, in fact I painted all my 54mm WW2 Russians in a very similar manner. First I'll start with a selection of ten figures mounted on 1" fender washers and then sprayed with Krylon Red (I generally try to start with a flat or satin color, but in the case I'm using a gloss red) . Now using "Talaran Flesh" from the Citadel Foundations line of paints.

I will then begin to rather liberally apply paint to any exposed flesh areas of the miniatures. After all the flesh is neatly painted I'll begin painting any other details I want to stand out (including weapons, hair, belts, and foot wear) leaving the rest of the figure the color of the base coat. The finishing touch is to paint the bases a dark brown color and then the figures are ready to be dipped. I do not paint the eyes at this point, I wait until after the figures have been dipped to do this. I'll post pictures of the dipping process at a later date in part two of this article.

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