So here's Part 2, the figures were sprayed with a red krylon, then the flesh and other details such as hats, shields, belts, sandals, hair were block painted. When painting using this technique I do not shade, highlight or dry-brush at all I just paint solid colors. The next step is the dip, so I pull out my trusty and battered can of "Minwax Polyshades", a pair of pliers, a paper plate, and a bunch of paper towels.

After laying some paper towels out on the table to catch any excess Minwax and setting my paper plate to my left (this is were I'll set the figures to dry after they've been dipped) I pry the lid off my can of Polyshades. Next using my Wife's lovely pink pliers ('cause I'm too lazy to run downstairs and get my own) I carefully grip the base of the figure and dip it into the Minwax.

After pulling the figure from "the dip" I gently shake it to encourage some of the excess Minwax to find it's way back into the can. I then take 3-4 paper towels layered and folded in half and gently rub the excess from the figure.

Now I let the figures dry overnight on the paper plate. This is a pretty quick process, when I dipped these Boxers I also dipped another 40 some 20mm WW2 French infantry and the whole affair only took about twenty minutes. After they dry I will paint the eyes on the figures and then flock them and spray them with Testors DULL COTE . I hope to finish that up tomorrow night, then I'll post some pics of the finished product.